9/4/2014 St. Paul Blog Post September 4, 2014September 7th is the 13th Sunday of PentecostBirthday wishes for Lavina Kodet who is celebrating 96 years on God's earth Friday, September 5th.Recent Events
Upcoming Events
November 2nd is the annual voter's meeting. Elections will be held for positions on the Church Council. If you would like to serve in this capacity, please contact a member of the Nominating Committee prior to the election so that your name is on the ballot. Your Nominating Committee members are: Carl Beals, Ted Golubinski Sr., Kay Schnur, and Ivan Smith. *If names are added to the ballot the day of (November 2nd) then the election will be moved to November 9th at both services. **Please see the September Ray for more information about the positions and the length of servitude. ***Did you know that there is a binder in the church office that lists in detail the duties of the Church Council positions? This may help in your decision making.
8/28/2014 St. Paul Blog Post August 28, 2014August 31st is the 12th Sunday of PentecostRecent EventsUpcoming Events
Website News:8/21/2014 St. Paul Blog Post August 21, 2014August 24th is the 11th Sunday of PentecostJoin us in Celebrating Dorothy Albert's 105th Birthday!
Dorothy's Family PortraitCan you imagine the amazing things Dorothy has seen in her lifetime! Let's take a look back into the past 105 years in the United States as Dorothy spent most of her long life here:
Great Inventions: 1909 - Instant Coffee 1910 - Talking Motion Picture 1911 - The first automobile electrical ignition system 1912 - Life Savers Candy 1913 - The crossword puzzle 1914 -the Morgan gas mask 1915 - Pyrex 1916 - radio tuners (that receive different stations) 1917 - the modern zipper 1918 - fortune cookies 1919 - pop-up toaster & short-wave radio 1920 - Band-Aid 1921 - the lie detector 1922 - the first 3-D movie 1923 - the traffic signal & frozen food (Clarence Birdseye) 1924 - spiral notebook 1925 - the mechanical television (precursor to the modern tv) 1926 - liquid fueled rockets 1927 - PEZ candy & Technicolor & a complete electronic TV system & the iron lung 1928 - penicillin & bubble gum 1929 - car radio & Yo-Yo 1930 - jet engine & scotch tape 1931 - stop-action photography 1932 - Polaroid photography 1933 - stereo records & drive-in movie theater 1934 - Charles Darrow claims he invented the game Monopoly 1935 - the first canned beer 1936 - the voice recognition machine & the Colt revolver 1937 - photocopier 1938 - ballpoint pen 1939 - helicopter 1940 - modern color television system & the jeep 1941 - aerosol spray cans 1942 - the first electronic digital computer 1943 - rubber & the Slinky & Silly Putty 1944 -Cortisone 1945 - atomic bomb 1946 - microwave oven 1947 - the transistor 1948 - Frisbee & Velcro & the Wurlitzer jukebox 1949 - Cake mix 1950 - credit card (Diners) 1951 - super glue & power steering & video tape recorder 1952 - Mr. Potato Head & first diet soft drink 1953 - transistor radio & radial tires 1954 - McDonalds 1955 - Tetracycline (the most prescribed broad spectrum antibiotic) 1956 - hovercraft & Liquid Paper (originally named Mistake Out) 1957 - Fortran (originally named Speedcoding, still used today for programming scientific and mathematical applications (software)) 1958 - Hula Hoop & the computer modem 1959 - the internal pacemaker & the Barbie Doll 1960 - the halogen lamp 1961 - Valium 1962 - audio cassette & Spacewar (the first computer video game) 1963 - the video disk 1964 - Acrylic paint & BASIC (an early computer language) 1965 - Astroturf & soft contact lenses & NutraSweet 1966 - electronic fuel injection for cars 1967 - handheld calculator 1968 - computer mouse 1969 - arpanet (first internet) & the ATM & the bar-code scanner 1970 - the floppy disk for computers 1971 - dot-matrix printer & food processor & the VCR 1972 - Hacky Sack 1973 - Bic invents the disposable lighter 1974 - Post-it-notes 1975 - laser printer & the push-through tab on a drink can 1976 - the ink-jet printer 1977 - MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) 1978 - artificial heart "Jarvik-7" 1979 - cell phones & the walkman & roller blades 1980 - the hepatitis-B vaccine 1981 - the first IBM computer 1982 - human growth hormone is genetically engineered 1983 - soft bifocal contact lens & Cabbage Patch Kids 1984 - the CD-ROM & the Apple Macintosh 1985 - Microsoft invents the Windows program 1986 - Fuji introduces the disposable camera 1987 - disposable contact lenses 1988 - digital cell phones & doppler radar & Prozac 1989 - high-definition television 1990 - the World Wide Web 1991 - the digital answering machine 1992 - the smart pill (can deliver or control its delivery of medicine without the patient having to take action beyond the initial swallow) 1993 - the pentium processor 1994 - the Playstation 1995 - the DVD 1996 - Web TV 1997 - the gas-powered fuel cell 1998 - the disposable bib 1999 - Tekno Bubbles (bubbles blown under ultra violet or black lights show an amazing assortment of colors) 2000 - the "Segway" human transporter 2001 - self-cleaning windows 2002 - Braille Glove & virtual keyboard 2003 - Infrared Fever Screening System (used in public buildings to scan people with a high temperature from a fever or sars) the No-Contact Jacket (protects the wearer by electric shocking any attackers) 2004 - SonoPrep (bio-engineering device that delivers medication by sound waves rather than injection) 2005 - YouTube 2006 - BEAR (Battlefield Extraction-Assist Robot) developed for military search-and-rescue missions has hydraulic arms to support and carry injured soldiers 2007 - Iphone 2008 - bionic lens & flying windmills 2009 - electronic eyes/retinal implants 2010 - robotic prosthetic legs allows paraplegics to walk 2011 - Qmilch (a sustainable fabric made from milk protein) 2012 - dusting slippers 2013 - the cardboard bike & the Fume Fighter welding helmet to make metalwork safer & the Family Flier (read more here) 2014 - the ability to control an old, unruly radiator with a smartphone. What was invented the year you were born? Recent Events:
Upcoming Events:
8/13/2014 St. Paul Blog Post Aug. 13, 2014August 17th will be the 10th Sunday of PentecostRecent Events
Upcoming EventsJust a reminder that there are picnics planned for this weekend.Kids Against Hunger/Mission Fund Raiser - September 27th Dueling Pianos at Younger Irish Tavern in Romeo. Tickets are $20 for the entertainment, which starts at 8:00 pm. 50% of the ticket sales will help fund "Kids Against Hunger" and our medical mission trips to Haiti. This will be a fun night out. *Free will offerings* are greatly appreciated. For tickets, please call Candy at 810-385-3370. Website News
8/8/2014 St. Paul Blog Post August 7, 2014August 10th will be the 9th Sunday of Pentecost***********God answers knee-mail*************Recent EventsChurch News:
Upcoming EventsThe Women 's Ministry Annual PicnicThrivent 5th Annual Picnic Beef Roast
There will be games for adults, prizes, party favors for kids, splash pad and playground. The sign-up sheet is in the Narthex. A contribution list of items for Carolyn's Place is in the Narthex. Stewardship WorkshopYouth Group News
Habitat For HumanityCurrent Volunteer Opportunities:
Volunteer Opportunity Days:
Website News:
7/30/2014 St. Paul Blog Post July 30, 2014August 3rd will be the 8th day of PentecostIt's berry pickin' time...How is your garden growing? Here is St. Paul's Vegetable Garden as of mid-July.The Biblical Herb Garden is growing and changing as well! |
July 27th Sermon: Robin Abbott delivered a sermon about using God's Gifts. See the sermon notes here. She handed out worksheets that helped us identify our spiritual gifts that were chosen by God, specifically for us. The worksheet gives an idea on the areas that you excel at and can use in Stewardship to help serve the church. If you would like a copy of the worksheet, come to St. Paul, or you (Members) can go to your email and request a copy to be emailed to you. I am keeping a copy on file...perhaps my spiritual gifts will evolve over time as I grow. | Remember to bring your Spiritual Gift Inventory List Sunday and place it in the offering. |
More Progressive Dinner Photos are on display here. |
Donna Sanderson is sharing her Lavender Cookie Shortbread Recipe with us. I heard they were delicious! Yields 2 dozen Ingredients: 3/4 cup unsalted butter, softened 1/2 cup confectioner's sugar 1/4 tsp. almond extract (I like a tad more) 1/4 tsp. vanilla extract 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 cup almond meal 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh lavender (1 Tbsp dried) 2 Tbsp. cornstarch 1/4 tsp. sea salt 2 Tbsp. heavy cream or 1/2 & 1/2 *granulated sugar to sprinkle on top In a mixing bowl, beat butter, confectioner's sugar, and extracts at medium-speed about 3 minutes. In a separate bowl, mix together flour, almond meal, lavender, cornstarch, and salt until combined. Reduce mixer speed to low; add flour mixture to butter mixture. Add cream and beat to combine. Preheat oven to 350. Line baking sheets with parchment paper. Set aside. Roll dough to 1/4-inch thick between two pieces of lightly floured parchment or waxed paper. Using your favorite 2 1/2-inc cookie cutter, cut as many cookies as possible, re-rolling scraps until all dough is used. Place cookies on prepared baking sheets, at least 2 inches apart. Sprinkle with sugar. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until edges are lightly golden brown. Remove from oven and let cool on pan for 5 minutes. Remove to wire racks to cool completely. Garnish with fresh lavender, if desired. Store, covered, at room temperature for up to 1 week. |
Reminder: | The group had a BBQ on July 27th and will be meeting on Aug. 7th to discuss the first two chapters of The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges. The book can be purchased at the Christian Book Store in Port Huron or online at Amazon.com (this link will take you to the book where it is available in Kindle or paperback). The group is flexible with scheduling and would love to have you join them. Contact the office or Ted Jr. for more information. |
Upcoming Events
Stewardship Meeting @ Bob Evans Thursday, July 31st at 5:30 pm!
Gangway to Galilee Where: St. Paul Lutheran Church *please use the East Entrance When: August 4-8 (5:00-8:00 pm) Who: You! & your friends too! How: Registration forms are available here & at the VBS table in the church Narthex Why: To Learn, Play, & Grow in Christ...Together! |
Google Calendar Upcoming:
Port Huron Twp Voting will be held at St. Paul on Aug. 5th & 6th. They will be setting up equipment on the 5th and using the facility all day the 6th. They have been asked to use the West Entrance.
Training for Reduced Risk of Child Abuse is on the schedule for August 9th 10:00 am. -12:00 pm. at St. Paul's. This two hour training is designed for all Sunday School teachers, VBS and youth volunteers.
Port Huron Twp Voting will be held at St. Paul on Aug. 5th & 6th. They will be setting up equipment on the 5th and using the facility all day the 6th. They have been asked to use the West Entrance.
Training for Reduced Risk of Child Abuse is on the schedule for August 9th 10:00 am. -12:00 pm. at St. Paul's. This two hour training is designed for all Sunday School teachers, VBS and youth volunteers.
Website News:
Your help is needed!
I would love to hear your feedback on the service videos and whether you prefer the videos of the entire service or the audio of the sermon.
The Narrative Service was recorded from the computer room window with speakers turned on inside the room.
The audio "video" was recorded with my Iphone and it was the sermon only.
I look forward to hearing from you!
I would love to hear your feedback on the service videos and whether you prefer the videos of the entire service or the audio of the sermon.
The Narrative Service was recorded from the computer room window with speakers turned on inside the room.
- The file of a full service recording is huge! It takes time to turn it into a view-able product as there are a few edits required.
- The door opening and closing in the computer room is noticeable.
- Standing in front of the window blocks the view.
- So far the computer room seems the best placement as no one can trip over the tripod...however we have a better view of backs than we do of the altar.
The audio "video" was recorded with my Iphone and it was the sermon only.
- An Iphone is not the best source for recording, but there are very inexpensive alternatives.
- A recording with microphone in use which could have improved the sound quality.
- Positioning of the recording device should be closer to the Pastor, however, a Pastor might not want to be in charge of the recording.
- Audio can be enhanced with a better slideshow of photos as well.
I look forward to hearing from you!
St. Paul Blog July 18, 2014
July 20th will be the 6th Sunday after Pentecost
Current Events
*may the snap peas remind you to snap pictures. | The Progressive Dinner is happening tomorrow. I bet they will have a great time, while savoring terrific food, and sharing fellowship with wonderful people! |
Upcoming Events
Gangway To Galilee!! | Vacation Bible School is just around the corner. Aug. 4th -8th from 5:30-8:00pm! Just a reminder that helpers and decorators are still needed. The VBS table in the Narthex has a sign up form. |
Website News
The Hymns and Readings were posted earlier this week. There's still time to brush up before Sunday service. There are a few hymns by some famous country singers that are just beautiful. The website visitor numbers are really climbing! We are gaining an audience and some new photos would be great to add. Let's share the joy and fellowship found at St. Paul's with our online readers as they pursue a church to join. Please share any pictures that you've taken from the events or ministries this summer. | Praying for safe travels for all of you on your summer adventures. Prayer Request |
St. Paul Blog July 8, 2014
July 13th will be the 5th Sunday after Pentecost
Recent Events
Upcoming Events
Gangway to Galilee!!! | VBS is coming up very quickly. Allow the fabulous decorator within to emerge and help adorn the church on Thursday, July 31st and Friday, August 1st. Sign up in the Narthex. Have you always wanted to play the part of the shepherd? You know you have! Plan to sign up on the volunteer list in the Narthex and meet on July 13th at 9:15 for planning. There are only 4 shepherd positions, don't be last! Call Megan Hargrave at 810-531-8833 for more information. |
The Progressive Dinner is coming up on July 19th! Did you get a ticket to ride the dinner train? | PROGRESSIVE DINNERPlease share your photographs of the delicious food and fellowship so we can post them on Facebook and the Blog. send to Michelle (if you need help with attachments, please contact me and I will be happy to give you instructions). [email protected] |
Website News
Daily Scripture Readings are available here. 1st and 2nd Readings for Sunday are available as well as the Hymns if you would like to prepare ahead. July 6th announcement reported 2.7K visitors to the website...July 20th will have an updated current amount. Can you guess the new number? |
*Has anyone had the opportunity to share the Narrative Service videos with our homebound members? We'd love to hear about it!
St. Paul Blog Post June 27, 2014
Time after Pentecost: The paraments are green on the Sundays following the Holy Trinity (1st Sunday after Pentecost - which were white altar cloths)
Summer is officially here!
The garden is growing!
Recent Events
St. Paul Lutheran Church Leadership Retreat was held Saturday, June 21, 2014 Are you curious about what transpired at the Leadership Retreat led by Robin Abbot? Achieving our Goals A vision without a plan is just a dream. A plan without a vision is just drudgery. A vision with a plan can change the world. What is your plan? AGENDA: Preparing our Bodies: Arrival/Continental Breakfast Preparing our Hearts: Opening Worship Preparing our Minds: Mind Building with Megan Bible Study: God's Mission for the Church Break Opening Your Spiritual Gifts for Ministry and Mission Lunch Strategic Planning for Mission: Goals and Tasks Closing Worship: Affirmation and Anointing for Service Hugs and Goodbyes: Hug Coupon * *When you are chosen by God, you can proceed with "courageous recklessness". During the retreat, the participants were given a questionnaire which helped them narrow down where their talents are specifically. In July, Robin Abbot will be basing her sermon around using God's gifts in stewardship. | These were distributed at the retreat and thought they would be a nice thing to share with all of you. A hug is a powerful thing! HUG THE WORLD FOR CHRIST HUGS It's wondrous what a hug can do. A hug can cheer you when you're blue. A hug can say, "I love you so," Or, "Gee, I hate to see you go." A hug is, "Welcome back again," And, "Great to see you! Where've you been?" A hug can soothe a small child's pain And bring a rainbow after rain. The hug! There's just no doubt about it- We scarcely could survive without it! A hug delights and warms and charms. It must be why God gave us arms. Hugs are great for fathers and mothers, Sweet for sisters, swell for brothers. And chances are your favorite aunts Love them more than potted plants. Kittens crave them. Puppies love them. Heads of state are not above them. A hug can break the language barrier And make your travels so much merrier. No need to fret about your store of 'em; The more you give the more there's more of 'em. So stretch those arms without delay And give |
Sunday June 22nd was a Narrative Service given by Robin Abbot. The script was prepared by Clayton Faulkner. The Psalms will be sung as a group again as we go back to the old ways, which will link us with the Old Church. See the synopsis here. The service was recorded on video and is in the process of editing for upload. |
Congratulations on your graduation Paige!
Upcoming Events
- Your Hymns and Sermon Readings are available here for this Sunday if you'd like to brush up.
- The Progressive Dinner is July 19th. I wonder if there are any tickets left?
- July 13th is a Congregational Meeting after each service. Your attendance is greatly appreciated.
July 4th is just around the corner. Hopefully you have some wonderful plans to celebrate with family and friends. |

We have been in Georgia this week for baseball. I have sprinkled in a few photos from the trip. The weather is not too hot...it's been kind to us Michigan folk.
Safe travels to those of you who are on the roads as well!
~Michelle Merkau
Safe travels to those of you who are on the roads as well!
~Michelle Merkau
We are now on Twitter! Follow us at-
St. Paul Blog Post June 18, 2014
"All those who stand before others and say they believe in me, I will say before my Father in heaven that they belong to me." Matthew 10:32 (NCV)
- The weekly Bible Verse list in preparation of Sunday is available here.
- The upcoming Readings and Hymns for Sunday are available here.
- Sunday, June 15th Synopsis: The sermon was about the history of ketchup...and how it ties into our life with God. Read it here. Nowadays we have squeeze bottle ketchup. Do you suppose when we are so congested and full of “Stuff” God has to give us more than a tap on our neck...maybe a squeeze? Suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope. Romans 5:3-4
This week:
Leadership Workshop on June 21st 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Pilgrim Lutheran Church The Green Paraments are coming out this Sunday. If someone could snap a photo of our beautifully dressed altar and send to [email protected], I'd be grateful. Thank you! | ********************************** June 21st Happy Summer! ********************************** ![]() The Nail Sale was a success! Thank you for your contributions. |
Upcoming Events:
New! The ELCA National Youth Gathering in Detroit has open registration starting October 15, 2014. Please visit our Youth Group webpage for more informational items such as; links to registration, forms and documents to print (release forms, packing lists...etc.), videos from ELCA and a news pdf to download. | PROGRESSIVE DINNERThe Progressive Dinner details are available. Who's got the vittles and where will they be? Info is posted on the Google Calendar for July 19th here. Progressive Dinner explanation compliments of Wikipedia: A progressive dinner (US) or safari supper (UK) is a dinner party with successive courses prepared and eaten at the residences of different hosts. Usually this involves the consumption of one course at each location. Involving travel, it is a variant on a potluck dinner and is sometimes known as a round-robin. An alternative is to have each course at a different dining area within a single large establishment. In a safari supper, the destination of the next course is generally unknown by the participants, and they have to decipher a clue before moving on. In the USA, participants go to each house for the various courses. Often there is a regional theme for each dinner, such as Italian, German, or French. Various wines to suit the courses are often served at each location. A challenge is keeping the food warm and ready at each location. An alternative is to have the courses at different restaurants. This style of eating has recently become popular as a charity fundraiser in rural Britain and is seen as a good way of meeting different neighbors in the community by virtue of each participant having separate guests. |
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Do you have something to share or a last minute reminder to post? Let me know here and we can get that out to everyone on a Blog Post.
September 2014
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All Congregation Happenings Events Sermon Sunday School
St. Paul Lutheran Church
3790 West Water Street, Port Huron, MI. 48060
3790 West Water Street, Port Huron, MI. 48060
Office HoursMonday, Wednesday, & Friday 9:30-1:30 |