Womens Ministry
Women's Ministry Booklets are available.
Contact: Diane Merkau All women of St. Paul Lutheran Church, members and visitors, are invited to participate in the volunteer opportunities. We greatly appreciate your time and talents! |
Calendar of Celebration Opportunities
For more information on these groups, please contact the ladies involved or the
church office at (810)982-9853 or [email protected]
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Our Mission Areas:
- Mission - Community
- Mission - Growth
- Mission - Action
Co-Chairs: Linda Ketchum & Leanne Fortushniak
Secretary: Julie Lusk
Treasurer: Jennifer Barnes
Co-Chairs: Linda Ketchum & Leanne Fortushniak
Secretary: Julie Lusk
Treasurer: Jennifer Barnes
Visit our Worship & Music page for more information:
Altar Guild- Prepare the sanctuary for worship and communion. Learn the symbolism and colors of the paraments. Select banners to enhance worship. Learn how to set up for communion and care for the vessels used. Sunday Morning Coffee Hour- Prepare coffee and treats, then...clean up, load the dishwasher, and push the button. To volunteer, please contact Kay Schnur. Church Nursery- Please contact Kay Schnur to volunteer. Music- Sing, play an instrument, or ring bells. Contact Del Hudson. Retreats:
Do you have an idea for a retreat? Contact Kathy Strauss or Candy Weston. To see what's on the agenda visit our Opportunities to Grow in Faith page. Prayer Chain Ministry:
Join in praying for people with current needs and challenges. This is a personalized prayer that is sent to those within the "chain" via telephone & email. Contact: church office. |
Heart Works / Prayer Shawl Ministry: Knit or Crochet and meet monthly on the 1st Tuesday to create items for those in need and also enjoy fellowship.
Contact: Kathy Strauss or the church office. Current projects include: Prayer shawls, Magic Hug Squares, Dresses for children in Haiti, Scarves, hats & mittens, and fabric kits. Workshops:
Watch for workshops throughout the year: quilting bees, sewing events, etc. Watch the newsletter & bulletin boards for special events, dates & times. Fair Trade Coffee & Chocolate:
Purchase items to help struggling countries gain economic growth. For more information visit our Community Outreach page. |
Women's Bible Study
meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 1:00 PM in the church library September through May. For more information, please contact Judy Halamka or the church office.
Please visit our Education page for more information.
Sunday School: Teach, substitute, or help out. You can support this education financially, as well. Contact: Amy Lutz Vacation Bible School: Please contact Megan Hargrave Creative uses of your God-given talents:
Share your photography, smiles, hugs, cards, notes, cleaning, make pies, bake cookies, and...the opportunities are endless. Office Help:
Assemble the newsletter for mailing. Contact: Diane Biskner (810)982-9853 Food Truck Ministry: Visit the page here. Help sponsor the cost of the truck by donating $ and/or work at the distribution. Lift hearts and fill hungry souls with your compassion. Talk to Don Strauss for more information.
Cookie Walk:
This much looked forward to event is held in December. Make your favorite cookie recipes and bring them in to be sold by the pound. We need lots of helping hands for this sale! (Photos here) Monies raised continue the many inreach and outreach ministries at St. Paul. Tell your family and friends to get in line early...these cookies go fast! Apple Pies:
October brings Apple Pie making days to St. Paul. Harvest determines the dates we pick-up, assemble, and distribute. Men and Women pitch in to advertise, make pie crust, mix ingredients, peel & slice apples, roll crusts, assemble pies, and be available for pick-up day. Join the good times! Contact Kathy Strauss, Donna Sanderson, Susan Wilson, or Diane Merkau. |
Bold Women
of Faith & Ertendankfest Celebration of the Fall Harvest |
Office HoursMonday, Wednesday, & Friday 9:30-1:30 |