Evangelism & Social Ministry
A group of people under council who draw people together
Food Truck Ministry:
Help sponsor the cost of the truck by donating $ and/or time. Food trucks typically cost $600, but we can add a substantial amount of meat by upgrading to the "Meat Truck".We could also use some muscle in unloading the groceries from the truck and helping load them into vehicles for those who need assistance. Some of our food trucks were afforded to us by grants received from Mt. Zion Lutheran Church. Thank you Zion Lutheran! For more information, please contact Don Strauss or the church office (810)982-9853. |
The Evangelism Committee encourages members to attend regularly. They distribute advertising brochures to area hotels and follow up on the member and visitor Attendance Cards found in the Sunday Bulletin or tucked behind the Sanctuary chairs (we urge you to fill these out and place in the collection plates). Pens are located in the Sanctuary chair pockets as well (many use them for taking notes during the Sermon).
Office HoursMonday, Wednesday, & Friday 9:30-1:30 |