7/18/2014 St. Paul Blog July 18, 2014July 20th will be the 6th Sunday after PentecostCurrent Events
Upcoming Events
Website News
7/8/2014 St. Paul Blog July 8, 2014July 13th will be the 5th Sunday after PentecostRecent Events__________________________________________Upcoming Events
__________________________________________Website News
*Has anyone had the opportunity to share the Narrative Service videos with our homebound members? We'd love to hear about it!
7/3/2014 St. Paul Blog Post July 3, 20144th Sunday after Pentecost will be July 4th weekendCome to St. Paul's for your "social" needs. |
July Pastor Schedule: July 6th - Duane Schafer July 13th - Duane Schafer July 20th - Dave Hudson July 27th - Robin Abbott Thank you to our Interim Pastors for your wonderful care during the time we call upon our new Pastor. The Call Committee is currently reviewing 16 applicants. WOW! | The Progressive Dinner will be July 19th. For fellowship and food, hop on the vittles train at 3:30 p.m. More details here. |
Gangway to Galilee!!! | VBS is still on the agenda. You haven't forgotten have you? Don't miss all the fun! Kids and volunteers are welcome! August 4-8. See the Calendar for more information. |
Website News:
The June 22, 2014 Narrative Service is available for viewing. Due to it's sheer magnitude it is in 2 parts. I hope our homebound members get an opportunity to view it. It can be viewed here ----> and on our website as well. Part 1 is the top video where you will be introduced with the church bells and Part 2 is the bottom video (with the church sign) and you will be introduced with the latter half of "Peace". | |
The new feature article is now available! A Closer Look at the Liturgical Team - The Altar Guild (part 1) can be read here. |
Sunday's upcoming Hymns and Readings are available here if you'd like to prepare ahead of time. The daily scripture readings are also posted on the website early in the week and can be found here each Sun/Mon. The July Ray is available as are the Volunteer Schedules for July and August. |
I hope you are enjoying the weekly blog. Feedback and comments are welcome! You can contact me at [email protected] ~Michelle *Please have your cameras at the ready as you participate in the upcoming VBS and Progressive Dinner events. I'd love to have your photos for sharing on the website! |
Planning your summer events? Check the Google Calendar for church happenings here.
St. Paul Blog Post June 27, 2014
Time after Pentecost: The paraments are green on the Sundays following the Holy Trinity (1st Sunday after Pentecost - which were white altar cloths)
Summer is officially here!
The garden is growing!
Recent Events
St. Paul Lutheran Church Leadership Retreat was held Saturday, June 21, 2014 Are you curious about what transpired at the Leadership Retreat led by Robin Abbot? Achieving our Goals A vision without a plan is just a dream. A plan without a vision is just drudgery. A vision with a plan can change the world. What is your plan? AGENDA: Preparing our Bodies: Arrival/Continental Breakfast Preparing our Hearts: Opening Worship Preparing our Minds: Mind Building with Megan Bible Study: God's Mission for the Church Break Opening Your Spiritual Gifts for Ministry and Mission Lunch Strategic Planning for Mission: Goals and Tasks Closing Worship: Affirmation and Anointing for Service Hugs and Goodbyes: Hug Coupon * *When you are chosen by God, you can proceed with "courageous recklessness". During the retreat, the participants were given a questionnaire which helped them narrow down where their talents are specifically. In July, Robin Abbot will be basing her sermon around using God's gifts in stewardship. | These were distributed at the retreat and thought they would be a nice thing to share with all of you. A hug is a powerful thing! HUG THE WORLD FOR CHRIST HUGS It's wondrous what a hug can do. A hug can cheer you when you're blue. A hug can say, "I love you so," Or, "Gee, I hate to see you go." A hug is, "Welcome back again," And, "Great to see you! Where've you been?" A hug can soothe a small child's pain And bring a rainbow after rain. The hug! There's just no doubt about it- We scarcely could survive without it! A hug delights and warms and charms. It must be why God gave us arms. Hugs are great for fathers and mothers, Sweet for sisters, swell for brothers. And chances are your favorite aunts Love them more than potted plants. Kittens crave them. Puppies love them. Heads of state are not above them. A hug can break the language barrier And make your travels so much merrier. No need to fret about your store of 'em; The more you give the more there's more of 'em. So stretch those arms without delay And give |
Sunday June 22nd was a Narrative Service given by Robin Abbot. The script was prepared by Clayton Faulkner. The Psalms will be sung as a group again as we go back to the old ways, which will link us with the Old Church. See the synopsis here. The service was recorded on video and is in the process of editing for upload. |
Congratulations on your graduation Paige!
Upcoming Events
- Your Hymns and Sermon Readings are available here for this Sunday if you'd like to brush up.
- The Progressive Dinner is July 19th. I wonder if there are any tickets left?
- July 13th is a Congregational Meeting after each service. Your attendance is greatly appreciated.
July 4th is just around the corner. Hopefully you have some wonderful plans to celebrate with family and friends. |

We have been in Georgia this week for baseball. I have sprinkled in a few photos from the trip. The weather is not too hot...it's been kind to us Michigan folk.
Safe travels to those of you who are on the roads as well!
~Michelle Merkau
Safe travels to those of you who are on the roads as well!
~Michelle Merkau
We are now on Twitter! Follow us at-
St. Paul Blog Post June 18, 2014
"All those who stand before others and say they believe in me, I will say before my Father in heaven that they belong to me." Matthew 10:32 (NCV)
- The weekly Bible Verse list in preparation of Sunday is available here.
- The upcoming Readings and Hymns for Sunday are available here.
- Sunday, June 15th Synopsis: The sermon was about the history of ketchup...and how it ties into our life with God. Read it here. Nowadays we have squeeze bottle ketchup. Do you suppose when we are so congested and full of “Stuff” God has to give us more than a tap on our neck...maybe a squeeze? Suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope. Romans 5:3-4
This week:
Leadership Workshop on June 21st 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Pilgrim Lutheran Church The Green Paraments are coming out this Sunday. If someone could snap a photo of our beautifully dressed altar and send to [email protected], I'd be grateful. Thank you! | ********************************** June 21st Happy Summer! ********************************** ![]() The Nail Sale was a success! Thank you for your contributions. |
Upcoming Events:
New! The ELCA National Youth Gathering in Detroit has open registration starting October 15, 2014. Please visit our Youth Group webpage for more informational items such as; links to registration, forms and documents to print (release forms, packing lists...etc.), videos from ELCA and a news pdf to download. | PROGRESSIVE DINNERThe Progressive Dinner details are available. Who's got the vittles and where will they be? Info is posted on the Google Calendar for July 19th here. Progressive Dinner explanation compliments of Wikipedia: A progressive dinner (US) or safari supper (UK) is a dinner party with successive courses prepared and eaten at the residences of different hosts. Usually this involves the consumption of one course at each location. Involving travel, it is a variant on a potluck dinner and is sometimes known as a round-robin. An alternative is to have each course at a different dining area within a single large establishment. In a safari supper, the destination of the next course is generally unknown by the participants, and they have to decipher a clue before moving on. In the USA, participants go to each house for the various courses. Often there is a regional theme for each dinner, such as Italian, German, or French. Various wines to suit the courses are often served at each location. A challenge is keeping the food warm and ready at each location. An alternative is to have the courses at different restaurants. This style of eating has recently become popular as a charity fundraiser in rural Britain and is seen as a good way of meeting different neighbors in the community by virtue of each participant having separate guests. |
Blog Post-Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The red paraments for Pentecost are so beautiful and vibrant!
Thank you Diane for the photo!
Thank you Diane for the photo!
Remember Dear 'Ol Dad on June 15th!

June 15th is Trinity Sunday
New Feature Article is available!
Read about the Biblical Herb Garden, enjoy the blooming flowers and learn about why plant specimens were chosen. Do you know how old the garden is? Learn about it here.
Readings and Hymns for this upcoming Sunday are available, along with sermon notes from last week (God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things). Readings & Notes Hymns & Videos/Lyrics | Daily Scripture Readings are also available if you haven't seen them yet. There's still time to catch up before Sunday Service! Daily Readings |
Our Calendar isn't as full during the summer as everyone is enjoying the glorious weather (hey, we get a couple sunshiny days here in Michigan...for which we are grateful), keep an eye on our Google Calendar as we have some events coming in July (12th Craft-a-way), (19th Annual Progressive Dinner) and in Aug. (4-8th VBS), (PH Twp Elections at the church 4-5th). Event details are available on the here.
If you have your cameras handy during events this summer, please snap a couple photos and send to me for the website. If you need help attaching photos, please get in touch with me and I can walk you through it. Thanks, Michelle [email protected] | Our website views are climbing. The Council had suggested we add the URL to the blurb in the Times Herald. Great idea! This week the Search Engines will get to know us up close and personal. The old adage; if you build it they will come...doesn't hold water on the World Wide Web. |
Sermon Highlights and Website News
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Reminder that June 9th is the next Council Meeting at 6:45 p.m. and we have an open door policy for any member who would like to attend.

Pastor Schafer delivered a wonderful sermon about ascension: Jesus removed himself from the Earth to make room for us. He believes in us! The manner of all things in the spirit of the church makes all things possible. Gods power is in us and working through us. the plan for St. Paul was already there when the disciples received their to-do list from Jesus. Read the whole synopsis here.
The Hymns and Readings are listed for Sunday. If you'd like to brush up on the Hymns, you can find videos and lyrics here. The 1st and 2nd Readings for Sunday, June 8th are listed here. You can also find the Daily Readings from Taking Faith Home here, they are a great way to prepare for the next sermon. New items have been added to the Google Calendar.
Have you seen the Iris in bloom? They are lovely! If you happen by the church this summer with a couple buckets full of water during a dry spell...please feel free to quench the thirst of our lovely Biblical Herb Garden plants.
Sunday, June 1 2014
Celebrating new faith, new hope, new life.
The 10:30 Sunday Service is now available for viewing.
We appreciate Pastor Schafer allowing us to test out our recording capabilities on his Sunday Sermon. Stay tuned as we make some tweaks to this area and work toward the goal of sharing Worship with our homebound members and others who would be blessed with the Word of God. | |
June 9th is Pentacost Sunday, the paraments (altar cloths) will be Red.*****this is only for 1 week, so if someone could email me a nice photo of the altar dressed in Red, I'd appreciate it :) [email protected]
VBS has a table set up in the Narthex.
Mark your calendars! August 4-8th. Registration is going on now. Spread the word to your family and friends. St. Paul is the place to be for your summer Bible Adventure. Download your registration form here. | The donation box is setup and ready for the following items. We appreciate your contributions!
June 15th - Nail Sale

Let's fill those aprons with donations!
Kristie Urie will be speaking for a few minutes at the end of each service.
June 15th is Father's Day!
Kristie Urie will be speaking for a few minutes at the end of each service.
June 15th is Father's Day!
Would you like to receive this weekly update in your email? Sign up on the Blog - Highlights Page here.
Reminder to check your family information in the directory in the Narthex and initial if correct as it will be published soon.
Have you seen the Inspiration Page? It's growing with some videos and beautiful photos and messages.
The website changes here and there as I mix the daily/weekly maintenance and insert new items.
*Current project: Feature Article on the Biblical Herb Garden). *You'll be happy to know that in the first 3 weeks, we have over 1,000 unique visitors to our website.
*The Ray is now available for download as is the Welcome Packet.
*Be sure to check upcoming events on the Google Calendar.
Have a wonderful week!
Florence surfs the web
Memorial Day SermonĀ

Read the Memorial Day Sermon Synopsis here:
Pastor Hockley shared letters from soldiers/veterans that revealed their struggles with war and death, their desire to be remembered or their realization that they were saved for a purpose.
He also told the touching story of how Taps may have come to be. There are no official words to Taps, but this one of the more popular:
Day is done, gone the sun,
From the hills, from the lake,
From the sky.
All is well, safely rest,
God is nigh.
Go to sleep, peaceful sleep,
May the soldier or sailor,
God keep.
On the land or the deep,
Safe in sleep.
Love, good night, must thou go,
When the day, and the night
Need thee so?
All is well. Speedeth all
To their rest.
Fades the light; and afar
Goeth day, and the stars
Shineth bright,
Fare thee well; day has gone,
Night is on.
Thanks and praise, for our days,
'Neath the sun, 'neath the stars,
'Neath the sky,
As we go, this we know,
God is nigh.
Pastor Hockley shared letters from soldiers/veterans that revealed their struggles with war and death, their desire to be remembered or their realization that they were saved for a purpose.
He also told the touching story of how Taps may have come to be. There are no official words to Taps, but this one of the more popular:
Day is done, gone the sun,
From the hills, from the lake,
From the sky.
All is well, safely rest,
God is nigh.
Go to sleep, peaceful sleep,
May the soldier or sailor,
God keep.
On the land or the deep,
Safe in sleep.
Love, good night, must thou go,
When the day, and the night
Need thee so?
All is well. Speedeth all
To their rest.
Fades the light; and afar
Goeth day, and the stars
Shineth bright,
Fare thee well; day has gone,
Night is on.
Thanks and praise, for our days,
'Neath the sun, 'neath the stars,
'Neath the sky,
As we go, this we know,
God is nigh.
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Do you have something to share or a last minute reminder to post? Let me know here and we can get that out to everyone on a Blog Post.
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St. Paul Lutheran Church
3790 West Water Street, Port Huron, MI. 48060
3790 West Water Street, Port Huron, MI. 48060
Office HoursMonday, Wednesday, & Friday 9:30-1:30 |