Sundays and Principal Festivals
All Sundays of the year are festivals of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Church Year: St. Paul celebrates all Sundays and Principal Festivals based on commemorative events in Jesus' life. We also celebrate significant individuals in the history of the Church. Equal to the importance of Festivals are Days of Special Devotion; Ash Wednesday and all days in Holy Week (especially Good Friday).

Liturgical colors include white, blue, green, purple, scarlet, gold, and red. The day's color will be worn on the vestments of all ministers and the parament (cloth) on the altar.
The Propers are based on a three year rotation of A, B, and C. They include scripture readings and other texts that are chosen to support the church year.
Each year has a Gospel focus. Year A is the Gospel of Matthew, Year B is the Gospel of Mark, Year C is the Gospel of Luke.
This information is found in the Evangelical Lutheran Worship Pew Edition Hymnal in our church (2006 version). This book is an amazing resource! Usually we just flip to the back of the book for Service Music...but I invite you to take a few moments to get better acquainted with your hymnal.
Each year has a Gospel focus. Year A is the Gospel of Matthew, Year B is the Gospel of Mark, Year C is the Gospel of Luke.
This information is found in the Evangelical Lutheran Worship Pew Edition Hymnal in our church (2006 version). This book is an amazing resource! Usually we just flip to the back of the book for Service Music...but I invite you to take a few moments to get better acquainted with your hymnal.
First Sunday-blue Second Sunday-blue Third Sunday-blue Fourth Sunday-blue Christmas: Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas Eve, Christmas Day)-white First Sunday of Christmas-white Second Sunday of Christmas-white Epiphany of Our Lord-white Time after Epiphany: Baptism of Our Lord (First Sunday after Epiphany)-white Sundays after Epiphany-green Transfiguration of Our Lord (Last Sunday after Epiphany)-white Lent: Ash Wednesday-purple First Sunday in Lent-purple Second Sunday in Lent-purple Third Sunday in Lent-purple Fourth Sunday in Lent-purple Fifth Sunday in Lent-purple Sunday of the Passion (Palm Sunday)-purple or scarlet Monday in Holy Week-purple or scarlet Tuesday in Holy Week-purple or scarlet Wednesday in Holy Week-purple or scarlet The Three Days: Maundy Thursday-white or scarlet Good Friday-no colors, all paraments are traditionally removed from the church Resurrection of Our Lord (Vigil of Easter, Easter Day)-white or gold Easter: Resurrection of Our Lord-white or gold Second Sunday of Easter -white Third Sunday of Easter -white Fourth Sunday of Easter-white Fifth Sunday of Easter-white Sixth Sunday of Easter-white Ascension of Our Lord-white Seventh Sunday of Easter-white Pentecost (Vigil of Pentecost, Day of Pentecost)-red Time after Pentecost: The Holy Trinity (First Sunday after Pentecost)-white Sundays after Pentecost-green Christ the King (Last Sunday after Pentecost)-green |
Hymnal - a closer lookCalendar
Propers: Sundays and Principal Festivals Propers: Lesser Festivals and Commemorations are listed according to month. These may be celebrated according to specific rules set forth in the Liturgical Calendar Season Propers Prayers for Worship Additional Prayers/Special Prayers Holy Communion: Setting 1 Holy Communion: Setting 2 Holy Communion: Setting 3 Special Services: Holy Baptism, Confessions and Forgiveness, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Vigil of Easter, Marriage Psalms Hymns Daily Lectionary: Used in relation to years A, B, C, the daily readings prepare you for the Sunday reading. Scripture and Worship: Holy Communion and Baptism Small Catechism of Martin Luther: The 10 Commandments, The Creed, The Lord's Prayer, The Sacrament of Holy Baptism, The Sacrament of the Altar, The Morning Blessing, The Evening Blessing, Table Blessings Indexes: Alphabetical Topic Index of Hymns, Metrical Index of Tunes, Alphabetical Hymn Title List |
Office HoursMonday, Wednesday, & Friday 9:30-1:30 |